Recent Faculty Evaluation


 Rick Parsons                                    







The purpose of this form is to provide an outline for a report to your Department Chair and Provost with information regarding this past year’s activities and accomplishments and to establish goals for the next year, including resources and assistance that you would like to request from Sierra Nevada College to achieve your goals. You will review your summary of accomplishments with your Department Chair. Your Department Chair will respond to your Summary and Accomplishments and Goals in writing using the last page on this form. You will rank yourself 1–5 in each area in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. Your Department Chair will also provide a 1–5 ranking. The final ranking will be assigned by the Department Chair after you have discussed your evaluation in conference. Department Chairs will meet with the Provost to discuss departmental evaluations as a whole. You do not need to meet with the Provost unless requested by you or your Chair to discuss a specific issue related to the evaluation.

Self Assessment: Report Sections

When completing the sections below, please provide a ranking from 1 to 5 in accordance with the following scale: 5 = Performance was exceptional

4 = Performance exceeded expectations

3 = Performance met most or all expectations 2 = Performance did not meet expectations

1 = Performance was unsatisfactory

  1. Teaching

    1. Report and Assessment of Teaching

      Please state last year’s 2017-2018 goal: 2017-2018 Active Learning/High-Impact Practices Goal:

      My active learning/ high impact practices goals for 2016-2017 include further engaging students in the critique process and continuing to develop a capacity for a critical dialogue about art. I will implement a critique assignment where students use their understanding of art and their writing skills to critique a fellow student’s work. They will be assessed on their writing skills, logical thought and independent thought.

      Complete the Course Evaluation Data table for your courses using end-of-term course evaluations for the previous Spring and Fall semesters. Also include midterm evaluation data for the current spring term if applicable. Record the averages for end-of-term questions 8-17 under the “Faculty” heading, averages for questions 18-30 under the “Course” heading, and the overall average for all 30 questions under the “Overall” heading. (These averages will be calculated for you at the bottom of each course evaluation spreadsheet including Spring 2014, Fall 2014 and current midterm evaluations for Spring 2015.) If one of the questions was not applicable for your course, for example, if you taught a studio art course that did not have a text, then

      be sure to point this out in the comments section. Also make comments about any other circumstances of which others should be aware in interpreting your course evaluation data.

      If available, you should also attach teaching evaluations by your chair or other peers. You may attach other significant supporting documentation of your teaching accomplishments, but please do not include syllabi and assignments from every course.

      Please summarize teaching accomplishments of the past year, including your efforts to improve content, methodology of your teaching in areas of need, and efforts to align your courses with SNC core themes. Please address your attempts to incorporate active learning or high impact practices in courses. Restate your teaching goals and your efforts to achieve these goals. Review major changes in course content and new courses developed. List the personal, professional, and collegiate resources and assistance you called upon to achieve these goals, including professional conference attendance. Please reference the Faculty Handbook, Section 10: Faculty Evaluation and Development for additional information on teaching evaluation measurements. Finally, rank your teaching accomplishments using the five-part scale prescribed in the SNC Faculty Handbook: Performance was Exceptional; Performance Exceeded Expectations; Performance Met Most or All Expectations; Performance Did Not Meet Expectations; or Performance was Unsatisfactory.

      Narrative: I believe my performance was exceptional in terms of achieving my 2017-2018 teaching goals. My students demonstrated creative and independent thinking, used non-art course material in their work, and demonstrated an understanding of their progress through self-evaluation. I updated and refined my assignments based on past student successes and challenges. I also helped foster professionalism in my students through attending several ceramics conferences Both NCECA and CCACA. I have spent this semester focusing on grants and producing a one-person show for Feb 2018. I believe that this is some of the best marketing a faculty can do.

      2017-2018 Other Goals:

      Additional goals include holding students to a high level of academic achievement through challenging assignments that inspire creative problem solving I intend to, once again, attend the National Ceramics Conference (NCECA) and the California Ceramics Artist Conference (CCACA) with a group of ceramics students. Continue working on improving the writing skills of art students through writing assignments.

    2. Teaching Goals

      Please list the teaching goals you will seek to achieve in this coming year, including those to enhance your teaching capabilities, improve your courses in areas of identified need, and align your courses with SNC core themes. Relate these goals to student course evaluations and any feedback from peers, your Department Chair, or Provost. In keeping with college priorities, you must have a teaching goal related to active learning and

      high-impact practices. Include ways that you intend to assess achievement of these goals if not implied in the goal itself. Finally, identify resources and assistance you will need from Sierra Nevada College in achieving these goals.

      2018-2019 Active Learning/High-Impact Practices Goal: Try more collaborative assignments with faculty outside the art department.

      2018-2019 Other Goal: Additional goals include holding students to a high level

      of academic achievement through challenging assignments that inspire creative problem solving. I intend to, once again, attend the National Ceramics Conference (NCECA) and the California Ceramics Artist Conference (CCACA) with a group of ceramics students. I want to challenge my students to enter more competitive art shows to help build their resumes.

      Teaching Rating:

      Faculty Rating     5   

      Dept. Chair Rating       5     

      Final Rating       5     

  2. Academic Advising

    1. Report and Assessment of Academic Advising

      Please state last year’s 2017-2018 goal: My goals for the 2017-2018 school year are to continue to identify scholarship and funding opportunities for my students and make these available by positing them on the class blog. I also look forward to continuing to serve on BFA committees, and assist with graduate school placement.     

      Please summarize your activities and accomplishments as an academic or other student advisor, such as a BFA advisor. Restate your objectives from last year and describe efforts to achieve them. List the personal and college resources used, if any, to achieve these goals. Please reference the Faculty Handbook, Section 10 Faculty Evaluation and Development for additional information on advising evaluation measurements. Rank your advising accomplishments using the five-part scale prescribed in the SNC Faculty Handbook: Performance was Exceptional; Performance Exceeded Expectations; Performance Met Most or All Expectations; Performance Did Not Meet Expectations; or Performance was Unsatisfactory.

      Narrative: My accomplishments this year include serving on 6 BFA committees During this process I met with each student 7 times throughout their senior year to assist them with the planning, fabrication, and installation of their work. I also advised students in the Junior Portfolio process and participated in the Junior Portfolio Review. I assisted students in achieving their graduate school goals; Another student was accepted into the University of Colorado the #5 ceramics program in country for a post baccalaureate and was accepted to Parson New School for graduate School. I also assisted students in acquiring, college teaching positions, scholarships, internships, and grants (both current and past SNC students).

    2. Goals toward excellence in Academic Advising

      Please list any goals to enhance your academic/student advising skills and performance for next year, including the ways you intend to achieve these goals and how you will assess these achievements. Identify resources and assistance you will need from Sierra Nevada College in achieving these goals.

      2018-2019 Goal: My goals for the 2018-2019 school year are to continue to identify scholarship and funding opportunities for my students and make these available by positing them on the class blog. I also look forward to continuing to serve on BFA committees, and assist with graduate school placement.

      Academic Advising Rating:

      Faculty Rating       4.5      Dept. Chair Rating       4.5   Final Rating       4.5     

  3. Scholarly Research and/or Creative Work and/or Industry-Government Service and/or Professional Growth

    1. Report of Scholarly Research and/or Creative Work and/or Industry-Government Service and/or Professional Growth

      Please state last year’s 2017-2018 goal:

      My goals were to continue showing nationally, participating in residencies, writing grants, and giving visiting artist lectures.

      Please state accomplishments in giving service to scholarly or professional societies, education or governmental agencies, and/or industry through lectures, papers, publication, consultations, and creative accomplishments. If work is not published, please indicate how it has contributed to your own, Sierra Nevada College’s, and/or the community’s professional environment. Indicate where your scholarly, creative, and professional work aligns with SNC core themes. List all awards, honors, fellowships, or commendations you have received. Please indicate any other information you believe important to have in your file concerning your scholarly and professional contribution. Please reference the Faculty Handbook, Section 10 Faculty Evaluation and Development for additional information on evaluation measurements. Finally, rank your professional accomplishments using the five-part scale prescribed in the SNC Faculty Handbook: Performance was Exceptional; Performance Exceeded Expectations; Performance Met Most or All Expectations; Performance Did Not Meet Expectations; or Performance was Unsatisfactory.

      Narrative: My achievements include participating in a group show in Reno. A one-persons show in Carson City (Feb. 2018) sponsored by the Capital City Arts Initiative along with collaborating with them to secure an NEA grant to help fund the show and their organization. I have also applied for an artist fellowship grant through the Nevada Arts Council.

    2. Goals for Scholarly Research and/or Creative Work and/or Industry-Government Work and/or Professional Growth

      Please state your goals to enhance your service and scholarly or creative contributions to your profession, the ways you will achieve and assess them, and the resources and assistance you will need from Sierra Nevada College to achieve them.

      2018-2019 Goal: My professional goal is to dedicate more time to scholarship. I

      believe that engaging in a professional practice not only keeps me engaged in the field, but also brings notoriety to SNC. In alignment with this goal, I would like to apply for and receive a residency for the summer of 2019, participate in three group shows, and secure a solo show for 2019.

      Scholarly Research and/or Creative Work and/or Professional Service and/or Professional Growth Rating:

      Faculty Rating       4.5     

      Dept. Chair Rating       4.5     

      Final Rating     4.5       

  4. Service to the College, the Student Body and the Community

    1. Report of Service Accomplishments

      Please state last year’s 2017-2018 goal: My goals were to continue to foster relationships between SNC and other schools, both to bring in potential students to our program and to help place graduating SNC students in jobs and graduate programs. I went to four high schools in the Carson area to give artist lectures and talk about SNC.

      Please state your accomplishments in giving service to the college, student body, and/or community during this past year. Indicate how your service accomplishments are aligned with the SNC core themes. List personal and college resources expended to achieve these goals. Please reference the Faculty Handbook, Section 10, Faculty Evaluation and Development for additional information on evaluation measurements. Finally, rank your service accomplishments using the five-part scale prescribed in the SNC Faculty Handbook: Performance was Exceptional; Performance Exceeded Expectations; Performance Met Most or All Expectations; Performance Did Not Meet Expectations; or Performance was Unsatisfactory.

      Narrative: In the last year I served as the Faculty Ombudsman, This year I was the faculty advisor to the Clay Club and helped group of SNC students attend the NCECA conference. I also took a group of students to the CCACA conference where we represented SNC among other west coast art programs. These accomplishments are aligned with the goals of professional preparedness, help promote SNC, and have the potential to bring prospective students to our program.


      Goals for Service to the College, the Student Body and the Community

      Please state your goals to enhance your service to the college, student body, or community in the next year, including the ways you will assess your achievement of these goals and how they align with SNC core themes. Identify resources and assistance you will need from Sierra Nevada College in achieving these goals.


      2018-2019 Goal: My goals are to continue to encourage student participation in professional conferences, and serve as the Clay Club faculty advisor while serving SNC to the best of my abilities.

      Service to the College, the Student Body, and the Community Rating:

      Faculty Rating     5     

  5. Administrative Duties

    Dept. Chair Rating       5     

    Final Rating       5     

    1. Report of Administrative Accomplishments

Please state last year’s 2016-2017 goal: It was my goal to serve on the faculty council to the best of my ability.

Please state your administrative accomplishments, including service on committees, participation in college governance, core or academic curriculum development roles, special administrative projects, and service in an administrative position. Indicate how your administrative accomplishments are aligned with the SNC core themes. List personal and college resources expended to achieve these goals. Please reference the Faculty Handbook, Section 10, Faculty Evaluation and Development for additional information on evaluation measurements. Finally, rank your administrative accomplishments using the five-part scale prescribed in the SNC Faculty Handbook: Performance was Exceptional; Performance Exceeded Expectations; Performance Met Most or All Expectations; Performance Did Not Meet Expectations; or Performance was Unsatisfactory.

Narrative: In the last year I served on the Admissions Director Hiring Committee, and served as the SNC ombudsman. I also served on the constant upgrades to the Holman Arts and Media Center including the Kiln Structure.

Goals for Administrative Duties

Please state your goals to enhance your administrative role at the college, including the ways you will assess your achievement of these goals and how they align with SNC core themes. Identify resources and assistance you will need from Sierra Nevada College in achieving these goals.

2018-2019 Goal: My goal is to keep serving in current role of ombudsman and help better define the role of this position while continuing to serve on both the Calendar Committee and the Faculty Salary Committee. Also, figure out how to better manage ceramics and sculpture studio. This is a time consuming and with a high level of risk if not maintained properly. The 3D practices studio is used by all disciplines in the art department but maintenance is left up to me. My goal is to come up with a service plan.

Administrative Duties Rating:

Faculty Rating       5     

Dept. Chair Rating       5     

Final Rating       5     


Faculty Evaluation Course Evaluation Data

Spring 2017, Fall 2018 and Current Spring


 Rick Parsons                             


 Fine Art                                    


 Associate Professor                  



If a course is “stacked”, for example, DRAW 121, 221, 331, & 441, please average all levels together as one course.

Faculty (Q 8-17)

Course (Q18-30)

Overall (Q1-30)

Course 1:

CERM 310 410





Course 2:

CERM 210





Course 3:

CERM 483





Course 4:

SCLP 210-410





Course 5:


Course 6:


Course 7:


Course 8:


Course 9:


Course 10:


Comments :


Faculty Evaluation

Department Chair Response to Summary of Accomplishments and Goals


 Rick Parsons                                    


 Fine Arts                                  





Department Chairs should write a response to Summary of Accomplishments and Goals for each Faculty Member. The summary may be quite brief if the Department Chair fundamentally concurs with the Faculty Member’s self- evaluation and supports his/her proposed goals. The Chair may summarize additional information pertaining to the Faculty Member’s accomplishments toward goals and should do so if the Chair’s evaluation does not agree with the Faculty Member’s. The Chair’s response should affirm the faculty member’s goals for the upcoming academic year and/or summarize suggestions for amending these goals. The Chair’s summary should also include a response to any requests for assistance or resources from the department and Sierra Nevada College, stating whether or not the assistance will be available and outlining plans for providing it.

Each Faculty Member should receive a copy of the chair’s response, although this record should not substitute for a face-to-face discussion of the Faculty Member’s Summary of Accomplishments and Goals.

The Chair should forward a copy of the Faculty Member’s Summary of Accomplishments and Goals, including the Chair’s response, to the Provost and copies should be retained for the Faculty Member’s file.

The Department Chair will then schedule an appointment to meet together with the Provost and review a Faculty Member’s evaluation.

Rick continues to be an outstanding faculty member in Fine Arts. He is extremely dedicated to his students, often working many hours outside of class time to help them with their work; help install their work; or help them with their statements and presentations. I can’t imagine the Art Dept. without Rick. I depend on him for so many things! In addition to being an incredible teacher and mentor, Rick maintains the facilities, building and repairing equipment and studio furnishings, and overseeing both the ceramics and sculpture studios.

Rick has a gift when it comes to relating to his students. They adore him. He has a keen eye when looking at artwork and has a way of explaining to students what’s missing in their work, or what could be improved.

He engages the students that aren’t very serious about art, and transforms their attitudes and art work, to a professional level, giving them the skills and vocabulary necessary to succeed. Often his students go on to residencies, post bacs, or MFA programs; some of the top in the nation. Without Rick’s mentoring, they would definitely not have “made it”.

In class, and at conferences, Rick exposes his students to all kinds of different art. His communication with students about the content, creativity, and craftsmanship, in what their viewing, makes the students think in a different way. He builds up their self-confidence, encouraging them to push their work further, and to really think about the content and context of what they’re making.

Rick is one of a kind, and I’m so happy he’s dedicated to ensuring SNC’s success.

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Signature Date

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Dept. Chair Date

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Provost Date

 © 2021 Rick Parsons  All rights reserved (Created with Sandvox)