Support Letters/Rank Form 

April 16, 2021

 Dear Colleagues,

 I have written countless letters of recommendation in my academic career, and none have been more heartfelt than this one. I know of no one more deserving of a promotion than Rick Parsons. He is truly an outstanding and excellent professor, ideal colleague, and talented artist.

 Years ago, as a new department chair of the Fine Arts, I called Rick and asked him to apply for an opening in ceramics and sculpture. Fortunately for us, he was instantly a perfect fit into our department and culture. His warm, genuine personality, whit and intelligence, has added an immeasurable amount to student experiences, our department, and the school at large.

 Students love Rick’s classes. Some students choose art as their major after taking a class with him. He makes them laugh, think, produce and grow into young, talented confident artists.  His assignments are conceptually based, encouraging the students to think creatively and critically. Through class discussions and critiques, ideas flourish and are nurtured. Students want to work in the studio, as the relaxed, fun, comfortable environment that Rick creates is a joy to be part of. He is present in Holman, accessible to both students and faculty; always willing to help, and consistently offers 110%.

 Rick’s alumni have gone on to attend the nation’s top MFA programs including the number one MFA program in ceramics, Alfred University, the number three graduate program in ceramics, Cranbrook Academy, Parsons School of Art in Design in New York, and many other notable programs. Some are ceramic professors themselves now. I’ve been told by several alumni that their BFA program at SNU was much better than their MFA experience. Rick offered them one on one attention. He subtly hooks them into liking the artwork they produce, by helping them improve, and by working his magic in the classroom and after hours. He helped them develop  their ideas, encouraging them, asking them critical thinking questions, and building their self-esteem.

 Many of our alumni have remained close friends with Rick. They seek out his advice on graduate schools, career choices, or ask him how he would go about building this or that. They’ll contact him instead of their graduate school professors!

 Rick was the recipient of the Ansari Excellence in Teaching Award, elected as Faculty Council vice Chair, then Chair, and serves as our Ombudsman. His superb performance at SNU has been recognized, rewarded, and appreciated immensely not just in the art department, but across the campus. I wholeheartedly support Rick’s promotion to Full Professor and I’m so thankful for the exemplary leadership Rick has given to our SNU community.



Sheri Leigh O’Connor, Chair, Fine Arts



April 21, 2021

I am writing to you on behalf of Richard Parsons, an Associate Professor at Sierra Nevada University, recommending him for Full Professorship. I have had the privilege of working with Rick for the past 11 years and during this time I have witnessed his dedication to the students and the institution. In this decade, he has created a sense of community that go beyond institutional walls.

Rick has a natural ability to connect with anyone; his charismatic easygoing nature serves as a cushion that puts students at ease. These qualities are the foundation needed in mentoring students in the art department. Teaching in an artistic environment many things are needed to be taken into consideration, safety, trust, and the ability to be open-minded. Rick teaches students the use of tools, how to run a table saw, fire kilns, and welding. All these skills rely heavily on teaching our students the highest levels of safety practices. Beyond fundamental skills, Rick has a practice in his classes called the, "Rick Test." When a student sees this test, they are a bit overwhelmed as it requires the students to reflect on themselves and it is common for students to take this test a few times in their undergrad career. This serves as a record for a student to reflect on where they started and how far they have come. The "Rick Test" opens students up to thinking outside the box in regards to their artistic practice.

In my 14 years of working for Sierra Nevada University, I have found that a high level of engagement leads to the overall success of this institution. This ranges from the consistency of showing up prepared for classes, putting in the extra time outside of the job, and leading with passion. Anytime a student is struggling to find their purpose, whether they are an art student or not, I recommend them to take a "Rick class." This is due to Rick's nature of having students look inward by asking the hard questions that will guide them to discover passions they may not be aware of.

Being part of the Art Department is special. To me it is bigger than simply showing up for class. Artists spend a great deal of time and energy creating, which can be very frustrating, sometimes leading to a sense of feeling lost. Our Art Community created at SNU is designed to support each other in these times of feeling lost, offering a safe place to have open discussions. Rick has worked diligently to create the space that exists today. Rick is regularly encouraging students to spend more time in the studio and he leads by example. Many days you can find Rick in the studio on days off helping students, sometimes working alongside them creating his own artwork. In my experience, when instructors lead by example, it ignites a drive in the students by helping show the work ethic that goes into being an artist. Having a full-time job and a working art practice often times can feel as if you are working two full-time jobs and Rick has the ability to make this appear to be easy.

Thinking back to my first interactions with Rick, I cannot think of a time where it was awkward or uncomfortable, he jumped into SNU ready to connect. Coming from Anderson Ranch where he was part of a tight knit community, he brought that vibe with him, and it did not stop at the SNU campus. Over the years, Rick has asked students to get involved in Incline Village and communities beyond.

Having students make ceramic bowls to donate to Lake Tahoe School's annual fundraiser, Empty Bowls. Traveling with Sheri Leigh O'Conner to Japan, annual ceramic conferences all over the United States, and introducing our students to artists or various Masters Programs to help our students further their careers and studies. One of my personal favorite community collaborations is a pit fire at Walker Lake. Every other year Rick is invited by the Taylor Family to bring students in order to learn how to glaze and execute a pit firing. This collaboration requires roughly 25 people to execute and our students work side by side the community members of Walker Lake and the Tahoe area. It is so amazing to watch our students transform over the four-day event and Rick right by their sides. He encourages the students to be fully present, and he is leading by example.

Reflecting on my recommendation of Rick Parsons to Full Professorship, I could go on and on about his dedication to SNU and our students. It has truly been a pleasure to work alongside Rick and I have the highest respect in calling this man, my colleague and friend.


Elizabeth Thibodeau

 Dean of Student Affairs and Housing Sierra Nevada University


April 20, 2021


To whom is may concern,

 It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Rick Parsons advancement in rank from associate professor to full professor. 

 I am Dianne Severance, Interim Vice President for Advancement at Sierra Nevada University.  I have worked with Rick for many years and know him to be a dedicated and exceptional teacher and a great service to advancing SNU’s mission, stature and bearing in the local community.

 One key professor responsibility that I can vouch for is the requirement and hope that the professor is successful with securing funds that help the institution thrive and raises awareness within the community.  I have worked closely with Rick on several critical projects in this regard, including the Holman Arts & Media Center (HAMC), the HAMC Kiln Project, the Prospectives on Design student award, and scholarship support for art students. 

 Rick singlehandedly secured the funds for the kiln construction project after several years of watching this project languish.  He is famously well known and respected in the Incline Village community and instinctively knows how to authentically engage community members who want to support SNU.  This all on top of teaching, student advising and transforming an undergraduate’s life. 

 If you would like more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at 775-881-7522 or by email at  I’d be happy to further elaborate on my time working with Rick.

 Very truly yours,

Dianne Severance

Interim VP for Advancement


 Promotion Committee

Sierra Nevada College

Letter of support for Richard J. Parsons

 Dear Committee Members:

I am writing in support of Professor Richard J. Parsons for the recommendation for advancement at Sierra Nevada College.  My name is Dan R. Hammett.  I am a Professor and Chair of Art at the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas.  I have known Rick Parsons as a graduate student, graduate assistant, high school classroom teacher, sabbatical replacement, instructor at Anderson Ranch, colleague, professional in the field of Art and a friend,

Resilient, generous, patient, determined, professional, parent, partner and a great person are words that immediately come to mind in reflecting on Rick Parsons. It has been exciting to watch Rick established himself and his name in the art world after receiving his Masters of Fine Arts terminating degree in 1996 at the University of Dallas.  Rick's reputation continues to flourish as artists experience his efforts on their behalf. I have come to recognize and appreciate the unwavering commitment he makes to organizations, colleagues and students in art.

As a high school classroom teacher, Rick co-organizer the very first national k-12 clay show. The show has continued since 1998 and has become a model for 503c national organizations ( This accomplishment that I have had the privilege to witness has been a seedbed of change that has redirected the values in Ceramic Arts Education for generations of students in a national community.

Art schools are frequently housed within universities where professionals often indicate a commitment to a chosen subject matter. Research, scholarship or studio work, in the case of the artist, only one comes first. It is, therefore, unusual to find a professor whose interest in the student genuinely balances a concern for personal accomplishment. Clearly, an effective teacher must be intensely involved in the subject taught.  Rick’s approach richly interconnects his own studio/field research work with his teaching. Teaching and studio/field research have uniquely merged over the years to create a seamless whole. As a result, his students are engage in a learning experience of intimacy and depth of insight rarely found.

Rick Parsons is an artist and he celebrates this with his students. Through his work as an artist he supports humanist values. His strong interest in human welfare and dignity speaks through his work. Rick Parsons supports student efforts to infuse positive, constructive energy into an increasingly cynical world.

Rick Parsons understands clearly that students must acquire practical skills as well as creative thinking patterns. His inventive course offerings for the artist are highly respected. Rick continues to engage his students and life with curiosity and freshness making this most recent assignment the one to top all others. One thing is for certain; Rick loves teaching. The students must feel this and know that they are at the center of his concern. No doubt, Rick Parson's resilience is at least, in part due to his generosity. The return he gets on his investment surely sparks renewed determination to reach out with new information and creative energy. On the other hand, when the rewards are not immediate his patient interest in each individual student and the art of teaching itself must continue to fulfill a strong personal vision that keeps him going. Rick Parson’s dedication to teaching provides a definition of quality. His stature as an educator inspires students, colleagues and all others fortunate enough to share a few moments with him.

Rick has always been able to shown respect and sensitivity to tradition without compromising the future. He has instilled in his students that through knowledge comes freedom and freedom offers choice. There are few in teaching who communicate to the need of the individual as well as Rick. In preparing the student for life and its challenges Rick has effectively changed many young lives in a positive way.

I am deeply honored to recommend Professor Rick Parsons for consideration as a candidate for advancement. Please contact me at the University of Dallas if any further information is needed.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dan R. Hammett

Professor/ Chair of Art

University of Dallas

Irving, Texas 75062


Advancement Committee                                                  

Sierra Nevada College

 Re: recommendation for Richard Parsons.

 Dear Committee,

 It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Rick Parsons.  Rick has been a close friend and colleague for many years.  He has worked for me as Sculpture studio manager for 5 years and as our Sculpture Program Coordinator for 2 years. This is no doubt that through his efforts and energy our Sculpture program is stronger and more vital.  His insights and experiences have been valued contributions to the Ranch’s overall development and artistic community.

 Rick is a part of the Ranch family.  He is the older brother to my daughter and son.  Rick has a deep sense of personal commitment and strong professional values. Rick was a relaxed, smart, and a dedicated employee.  His sensitive nature allows him to connect on a variety of levels with a broad range of artists.  The short is that he cares for those around him.

 Rick is confident and challenging as both an artist and teacher.  Rick’s charm and wit are balanced with a keen understanding of contemporary art and sculpture.  He does not hesitate to speak out in a group situation.  Rick has had to manage and direct the workload of a large department with 4 residents and 2 summer assistants, plus a summer student body of over 100 artists.  Rick has traveled the world with the Ranch programs.  He continues to be interested in personal experiences that fuel his artistic curiosity.  Rick has honed his techniques and skills with precision and grace.  His job at the Ranch has allowed him to develop a well-rounded base of technology and information. Rick is an incredible problem solver, he finds great pleasure in helping students develop their artistic voice.  Rick is very organized in both his teaching and studio practices.

 I feel fortunate to know, work and create with Rick.  I have the highest regards for his accomplishments in our field.  I wish only the best for Rick and his artistic career.  Please feel free to contact me anytime should you wish to discuss Rick and his experiences further. Rick is an amazing person, my life and work at the Ranch has benefited greatly from knowing him. 


Thank you for your time and consideration towards Rick.

 All the very best regards.

 Sincerely yours,

Doug Casebeer

Artistic Director – Ceramics, Wood and Sculpture

Chair – Artist in Residency Program

970-923-6749 office

970-379-0339 cell


To: Sierra Nevada College Faculty and Administration

Re: Letter of Support for Rick Parsons

From: Nick Geankoplis

Artist, Beijing

Professor of Ceramic Art and Design, Central Academy of Fine Art, China

NYSCC at Alfred University, MFA in Ceramics, class of 2013

Sierra Nevada College, BFA, Class of 2011

Getting to the point in writing a letter of support for Rick Parsons is very easy. I give

him my highest recommendation. After spending well over a decade in Higher Education as a

student, studio technician, guest lecturer and professor, I rank him in the top 5% of instructors I

encountered or worked with. I have known Rick since he begin his position at SNC, where he

was my instructor in numerous courses across mediums, as well as, one my thesis advisors. When

Rick joined our community he also became my day-to-day supervisor, as I was the ceramics and

sculpture lab technician.

Last winter as I was approaching the terminal degree in our field at Alfred University in

New York, I was applying for professorships at many institutions across the United States and

abroad. While ranked the number one MFA program in ceramics and with eight fulltime facility

in my discipline, Alfred offered little education or assistance in professional practices for

academic employment. Rick became my advisor once again, helping me to compile teaching

philosophies, syllabi and sample assignments for perspective employers. When it came time to

interview, Rick coached me through that process as well. Simply put, his tireless devotion to his

students does not know the bounds of course times, semester schedules or graduation dates, one

of the exceptional qualities that sets Rick apart.

A few more details.

Firstly, Rick processes an insatiable passion for the creative fields, whether that be

ephemeral sculpture, studio pottery, instillation video or object design. His proficiency in

materials across mediums reflects his numerous years outside academia as a practicing artist and

studio manager at one of the nation’s premier art centers. This ability to critically discuss and

technically create in an interdisciplinary fashion directly translates to his students. I am quite

familiar with how many hats SNC instructors are asked wear, and well, Rick owns them.

Secondly, I would like to cite Rick’s total devotion to learning and understanding. I

know that maybe an odd thing to site when supporting one who is an instructor, but this is a

lynch pin when it comes to exceptional art educators. This devotion is apparent in his

professional practice, in discovering new technologies, trends and movements. But, where I see it

shine brightest is in his desire to lean about and understand his students. In other fields there

may be a single correct answer to a given problem, but in art education for a given problem there

are innumerous solutions. Quality art education requires knowing who your students are and

what makes them tick, because the same answer is not necessarily applicable from one student to

the next. Rick’s adoration for learning places him on the cusp of our field, as well as, affording

him nuanced insights into the needs of each and every one of his students.

Thirdly, I would like to highlight a mantra that I first heard from our former President

Bob Maximum, “I have never given up on a student.” While Rick’s performance with those of us

students who were committed and driven is commendable, his attitude with those who are

skeptical, sedated, absent or argumentative perhaps speaks louder. On numerous occasions I

witnessed Rick working with students in situations where many good teachers would have given

up, turned away or kicked the student out. Do not mistake his patience as passive or lenient,

these students were held to the same high standards as the rest of us. Rick was simply not ready

to quit on them when they were ready to quit on themselves. I believe this to be one of qualities

that make Rick not only an excellent educator, but also one tailor fit for the SNC community.

Fourthly, it’s worth noting that over the years I have seen Rick in numerous situations

outside of the classroom, in experiential learning environments, conferences, professional

engagements and social settings. In all of these he has conducted himself with the utmost

dignity switching between roles as a friend, mentor and teacher making himself available while

always remaining shepherd of the flock. How we act when no one is checking can be very telling

about who we are, and Rick truly is one of impeccable character.

So again, it is without hesitation I give my utmost support for Rick Parson’s promotion

to Associate Professor. He is one of your best. It has been a pleasure writing this for someone

who has helped to shape my future and who will no doubt change the lives of many students to

come. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional information.


Nick Geankoplis

CAFA, China Central Academy of Fine Art

City Design School

#1 Yuming Da Jie, Houshayu Town

Shun Yi District, Beijing, P.R China- 101318



 To whom it may concern,

Rick Parsons takes teaching Fine Art seriously.  As a practicing Artist himself, he thoroughly understands the rigors, nuances, and methods of the field.  Rick masterfully balances teaching the technical and conceptual skills associated with Fine Art.  He is one of the few who lends his knowledge to students in a way that makes, and keeps, them interested and engaged.   From the first day of class to the last Rick is dedicated to promoting a high level of professionalism while generating creativity within the classroom.   He encourages an interdisciplinary approach to the arts and learning that allows students to combine other studies with their individual artistic practice.  First-hand, I have seen and experienced these methods dramatically elevate the level of artistic and academic merit within students. 

 Technical experience is one of Rick’s strong points.  He has proven his in-depth knowledge of nearly every discipline in the technical field of Art.  From drawing and painting, to welding and woodworking, to glaze chemistry and moving and reconstructing kilns, Rick does it all with tact, patients, and safety in mind.   What very few fields he is unfamiliar with he promptly becomes an authority of.   Another very important part of the discipline of Fine Art is the studio space.  Rick knows, better than anyone, how to set up and efficient studio, both as a learning environment and as a productive work space.

 Rick Parsons was my advisor through my Junior Art Portfolio Review process as well as my culminating solo exhibit, “The Red Boat”, at SNC.  His insightful intellect and patient demeanor offered a perfect balance of unbiased correspondence and motivating critique.  Rick is available to students anytime and always makes generous effort to help keep students motivated and interested in their work.    

 I have not known anyone who is as dedicated to his work as Rick.  In his free time he continues to teach workshop style programs and lecture within highly credited institutions such as Anderson Ranch, University of Tennessee, University of North Carolina, and San Jose State University, to name a few.  Not only is he dedicated to teaching he is also committed to his own artistic practice.  Rick makes sure to keep a sharp edge by also attending artist residency programs and exhibiting his work both locally and nationally.  He has proven interest in creating community by helping to engage all students in real life art opportunities such as CCACA (California Conference for the Advancement for Ceramic Art) and NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) where students have a chance to exhibit and view work of peers and professionals alike.

 Rick Parsons is as dedicated to his students as he is to his family. He is a massive inspiration to many of his students and peers, including myself.  Not only is he an amazing teacher, he is an amazing person.  Rick is someone real.  He is not afraid to challenge those who need challenging and flexible enough to show compassion for those who need it.  I could not have bargained for a better mentor and friend.  He has epitomized fairness and embodied hard work and dedication.   I strongly recommend Rick Parsons advancement to Associate Professor.



Karl Schwiesow


To whom it may concern,

 It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Rick Parsons. I have known Rick for five years in the capacities of a professor, mentor, colleague, and artist. I had the pleasure of being a student in several of his classes and having him on my BFA committee and I can say without hesitation that he is among the top faculty members with whom I had the privilege of working with at Sierra Nevada College. His care for me as a student, artist, and professional extended beyond the limits of designated class time and remains someone I continue to recognize as an incredible mentor and peer to this day.

 Rick entered the department with an impressive ability to recognize, embrace, and enhance the qualities of the community there. From his very first semesters on campus, he was sought by top graduating students to sit on their BFA committees surely due to his capacity to intelligently provide the necessary criticism and care we as students needed to excel and succeed. His own engagement in the role of artist allows him the ability to identify varying logics driving student work and articulate the successes and problems in a way that supports the individual student while simultaneously providing a model for understanding and critique to the group.

 The attentiveness Rick provided to the individual needs of his students day in and day out still impresses me. Attending stacked classes in the department was often a point of frustration as a student, since professors were forced to take on the incredibly difficult task of juggling a group of students at varying levels through multiple syllabi. At odds against what I always found to be a shortcoming of departments structure, Rick maneuvered the difficult terrain of those classes with a commitment and grace that was truly impressive. He approaches the studio and classroom with a rare selflessness that typifies the most phenomenal and memorable of teachers one experiences in life. In addition the the individual focus in class, Rick provides a generous amount of time outside of class for mentoring students through their projects, trajectory in school, and problems outside institution.

 The increase in number of graduating students going on to study in MFA programs since Rick joined the faculty has been significant. As one of those students, I can say without a doubt that he was instrumental in preparing me for not only acceptance into my current program, but for my capacity to succeed within it. This is due in part to the range of technical and conceptual skillsets Rick provides his students with. The confidence I now have in working with materials and understanding their role within meaning making and history has positioned me ahead of many of my current peers who lack basic technical skills.

 Everything that I hold true and dear from my time at SNC was elevated by Rick’s addition to the faculty and I cannot imagine the leaps the department has made over the past five years being possible without him there. He brings an insightful, wide, and compassionate perspective to art practice, teaching, and the community. Above all, Rick showed me much about the ways I wish to someday be a professor and for this I will be forever grateful. I cannot emphasize enough how much of an asset I view Rick to the department and give him my highest recommendation.



 Logan Lape

SNC Class of 2011

Current MFA student at Parsons The New School for Design



 To whom it may concern-

 This letter is in support of Rick Parsons in his application for Associate Professor.

 I graduated from SNC with a BFA with a concentration in 2D in 2012. I have known Rick for approximately 4+ years in the capacity of teacher and now co-worker as I am currently the Gallery Co-Coordinator for the school.

 While a student at SNC I was unable to attend any of Rick's classes directly but chose Rick as a committee member for my final BFA work and would attend his class critiques. I would go to him (and still do) for advice, help and friendship due to my respect for him as a professional and as a human being!

 I appreciate Rick’s very Texas, pragmatic approach to his work and students.

I very much value his balance of technical knowledge and concept. He is always fully versed in the mechanics of what he is teaching whether it is ceramics, sculpture or digitally based. He is able to use this skill set base to push concept, thoughts and ideas.

His mantra is - 'Try it' ! Rick is constantly challenging us to experiment and evaluate our personal work and that of our peers. He asks us to be present- physically and mentally and sets an expectation of involvement. In evaluating work and ideas Rick critiques objectively and thoroughly but always provides motivation and positive forward momentum.

Rick not only ‘talks the talk’ but ‘walks the walk’. Rick is invested in every aspect of the Fine Arts community life, on and off campus. He attends and participates in every exhibition, opening, talk, fundraiser and event in support of his peers and students- often with his family.

He is always putting in time above and beyond his ‘normal’ teaching duties which has been especially prevalent with his involvement in successfully moving and settling the Art Dept into the new Holman Building!

 The things I appreciate and value most in Rick as a teacher, mentor and human is his pragmatism and investment in his work and students- all with a great sense of humor!

 I fully support recognition of his talents and commitment to his work and community.


 Kath McGaughey 


A Letter of Support for Professor Rick Parsons.


                  I have been a student at Sierra Nevada College for more than 4 years, and each semester I have had 2 or more classes with Rick Parsons. I have traveled with him and other students to conferences and art related excursions in Seattle, Texas, California and Taiwan; needless to say, I feel that I know him very well. He is not only a knowledgeable and well-educated professor, but he has also been a mentor to me throughout these 4 + years. I can honestly say that without Rick I would not be where I am now. He has pushed me and recognized what I am capable of, even when I couldn’t recognize it myself.  Rick has given me the tools I need to excel in a graduate program, and ultimately a career in the arts.

                  This man is probably the most hardworking person I know, his job doesn’t end when class does, he is in the studio every day, every weekend, and late at night when I need help firing a kiln. His dedication cannot be matched. Rick brings a fresh perspective; positive attitude and some much needed humor to the studio everyday. In class we constantly engage in active learning with an interdisciplinary approach. Rick has an amazing talent both technically and conceptually and is well known in the art world. I am proud to say that I studied under him. I cannot imagine Sierra Nevada College without Rick Parsons. I hope that this letter will show you that Rick Parsons in an asset to Sierra Nevada College and in my opinion very much deserves to be advanced from an assistant to an associate professor.


 Molly Allen


Victoria Buck

6105 Circle Wood Lane

Knoxville, TN 37920

 To whom it may concern,


I attended Sierra Nevada College during the years of 2008- 2011, graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics and Digital Media, magna cum laude. During my time at Sierra Nevada College, Professor Rick Parsons was my ceramics instructor, as well as a committee member and advisor for my BFA thesis show.

 Professor Parsons provided a solid foundation in the fundamentals of ceramics. During class we also participated in discussions about classical as well as contemporary applications of ceramic science, craft and fine art, and relevant articles, documentaries and radio archives that expounded upon these concepts and ideals.

 One aspect, which I greatly benefited from, is the wide range with which Professor Parsons is knowledgeable in materials and their many uses. This became a crucial turning point for me as an artist, to develop a wide repertoire of material knowledge, within the ceramic world that extended across boundaries of art genres.

 It has become very apparent during my time here at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, that the education I received under the guidance of Professor Parsons at Sierra Nevada College, has given me a ‘head start’ above my co-horts in abstract thinking and problem solving with various materials, both traditional and non traditional within my ceramic degree.

 The mentorship, with which Professor Parsons provides to his students, is not only rare, but also invaluable. The amount of confidence he is able to instill in his students, whilst simultaneously pushing them into uncomfortable creative territory, is a skill. He always brings with him, enthusiasm for the subject, and an unwavering dedication of time, before, during and after class for his students.

 In the classroom, and during our preparation for the annual show in Davis, CA for the CCACA ceramic convention, I always felt he accounted for our various needs, honing into our individual strengths and helping us capitalize on our unique perspective on the world, as a basis to create from.

 As I type this from Knoxville Tennessee, I am grateful to still call upon Professor Parsons as my mentor. I use many of his teaching techniques, and class projects in my current position as a Graduate Teaching Associate, in ceramic sculpture. I hope to one day be a sliver of the dedicated and enthusiastic educator that Professor Rick Parsons is.



Victoria Buck

 MFA Candidate / Graduate Teaching Associate

University of Tennessee, School of Art, 

1715 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville

TN 37996-2410

Rank Form

 © 2021 Rick Parsons  All rights reserved (Created with Sandvox)